1. “The world perishes not from bandits and fires, but from hatred, hostility, and all these pretty squabbles.”
2. “If you cry ‘forward’, you must without fail make plain in what direction to go.”
3. “When you’re thirsty and it seems that you could drink the entire ocean, that’s faith; hen you start to drink and finish only a glass or two, that’s science.”
4. “Money like vodka, turns a person into an eccentric.”
5. “How unbearable at times are people who are happy, people for whom everything works out.”
6. “To judge between good and bad, between successful and unsuccessful would take the eye of a God.”
7. “The more refined one is, the more unhappy.”
8. “When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, that means it can’t be cured.”
9. “To advise is not to compel.”
10. “Faith is an aptitude of the spirit. It is, in fact, a talent: you must be born with it.”
11. “Man is what he believes.”
12. “The thirst for powerful sensations takes the upper hand both over fear and over compassion for the grief of others.”
13. “People who lead a lonely existence always have something on their minds that they are eager to talk about.”
14. “Advertising is the very essence of democracy.”
15. “We learn about lie not from plusses alone, but from minuses as well.”
16. “Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.”
17. “There is nothing new in art except talent.”
18. “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
19. “Only entropy comes easy.”
20. “You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible.”
21. “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of the light on broken glass.”
22. “Man will become better when you show him what he is like.”
23. “The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them.”
24. “If you are afraid of loneliness, don’t marry.”
25. “There is nothing more awful, insulting and depressing than banality.”
26. “A hungry dog believes in nothing but meat.”
27. “Do silly things Foolishness is a great deal more vital and healthy than our straining and striving after a meaningful life.”
28. “Nothing can be accomplished by logic and ethics.”
29. “The task of a writer is not to solve the problem but to state the problem correctly.”
30. “Only one who loves can remember so well.”