1. “A blind man can make art if what is in his min can be passed to another mind in some tangible form.”
2. “Every generation renews itself in its own way; there’s always a reaction against whatever is standard.”
3. “The idea part is simple but the visual perception is complex.”
4. “Minimalism wasn’t a real idea – it ended before it started.”
5. “Artists are mystics rather than rationalists. They leap to conclusions that logic cannot reach.”
6. “Artists teach critics what to think. Critics repeat what the artists teach them.”
7. “Irrational judgements lead to new experience.”
8. “Banal ideas cannot be rescued by beautiful execution.”
9. “You shouldn’t be a prisoner of your own ideas.”
10. “The idea becomes a machine that makes the art.”
11. “Obviously a drawing of a person is not ral person, but a drawing o a line is a real line.”
12. “Artists of many diverse types began using simple forms to their own ends.”
13. “Buying books was a way anyone could acquire a work of art for very little.”
14. “The narrative of serial art works more like music than like literature.”
15. “Conceptual art is only good if the idea is good.”