1. “The task of leadership is not put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.”
2. “Peace is that state in which fear of any kind is unknown.”
3. “I believe everything out of the common. The only thing to distrust is the normal.”
4. “Every man at the bottom of his heart believe that he is a born detective.”
5. “Without humility there cam be no humanity.”
6. “Wise men never grow up; indeed, they grow younger, for they lose the appalling worldly wisdom of youth.”
7.”Leadership is only courage and wisdom and a great carefulness of self.”
8. “We can pay our debts to the past by putting the future in debt to ourselves.”
9. “Civilisation is a conspiracy. Modern life is the silent compact of comfortable folk to keep up pretences.”
10. “An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support.”
11. “It’s a great life, if you don’t weaken.”
12. “There may be peace without joy, and joy without peace, but the two combined make happiness.”
13. “A fool tries to look different: a clever man looks the same and is different.”
14. “Pessimism is the one ism which kills the soul.”
15. “To live for a time close to great minds is the best kind of education.”