1. “A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it.”
2. “A man’s admiration of absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him.”
3. “Those that despise people will never get the best out of others and themselves.”
4. “When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.”
5. “Military discipline is merely a perfection of social servitude.”
6. “In politics shared hatred are almost always the basis of friendships.”
7. “Life is to be entered upon with courage.”
8. “Society is endangered not by the great profligacy of a few, but by the laxity of morals amongst all.”
9. “The most dangerous moment for a bad government is when it begins to reform.”
10. “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.”
11. “Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom.”
12. “The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizen.”
13. “It is easier for the world to accept a simple lie than a complex truth.”
14. “Socialism is a new form of slavery.”
15. “Men will not receive the truth from their enemies, and it is seldom offered to them by their friends.”
16. “The tie of language is perhaps the strongest and the most durable that can unite mankind.”
17. “When the people rule, they must be rendered happy, or they will overturn the state.”
18. “The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage.”
19. “In a revolution, as in a novel, the most difficult part to invent is the end.”
20. “History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies.”
21. “Men seldom take the opinion of their equal, or of a man like themselves, upon trust.”
22. “Society was cut into two: those who had nothing united in common envy; those who had anything united in common terror.”
23. “A last thing a political party up is its vocabulary.”
24. “No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country.”
25. “Despotism can do without faith but freedom cannot.”
26. “Democratic institutions generally give men a lofty notion of their country and themselves.”
27. “There are two things which a democratic people will always find very difficult – to begin a war and to end it.”
28. “The more alike men are, the weaker each feels in the face of all.”
29. “Nature secretly avenges herself for the constraint imposed upon her by the laws of man.”
30. “No men are less addicted to reverie than the citizens of a democracy.”