1. “There is nothing in philosophy which could not be said in everyday language.”
2. “The motive power of democracy is love.”
3. “To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”
4. “Genius is that which forces the inertia of humanity to learn.”
5. “Time is invention and nothing else.”
6. “There is no greater joy than that of feeling oneself a creator. The triumph of life is expressed by creation.”
7. “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.”
8. “A flexible vice may not be so easy to ridicule as a rigid virtue.”
9. “Materiality begets oblivion.”
10. “Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks.”
11. “Disorder is simply the order we are not looking for.”
12. “Intelligence is the faculty of making artificial objects, especially tools to make tools.”
13. “Religion is to mysticism what popularization is to science.”
14. “The only cure for vanity is laughter, and the only fault that is laughable is vanity.”
15. “In reality, the past is preserved by itself automatically.”