1. “Submitting to current pain that yields future pleasure is a wise investment.”
2. “To solve a problem first understand it!”
3. “Excess is enemy of excellence.”
4. “When more is required of you than you are capable of, increase your capabilities.”
5. “Respect the past, relish the present, create the future!.”
6. “You’re only as good as you think you are.”
7. “The more you know about anything, the more creative you are about everything!”
8. “Never confuse a clear path with a short distance.”
9. “A great proverb feeds the soul and fuels the mind!”
10. “Indecisiveness is the enemy of progress!”
11. “Agreement to change is confirmed not by the nodding of the head but by the bending of the heart.”
12. “Confidence is always in direct proportion to preparation!”
13. “Sow strategically, reap abundantly!”
14. “If the world is progressing faster than your company or organization prepare for extinction!”
15. “Choose paths wisely, they lead to places.”