1. “Love is never any better than the lover.”
2. “Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.”
3. “You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”
4. “The function of freedom is to free someone else.”
5. “The presence of evil was something to be first recognized, the dealt with, survived, outwitted, triumphed over.”
6. “We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.”
7. “As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think.”
8. “If you surrender to the wind you can ride it.”
9. “It is sheer good fortune to miss somebody long before they leave you.”
10. “Anger is better. There is a sense of being in anger. A reality and presence. An awareness of worth. It is a lovely surging.”
11. “Anything dead coming back to life hurts.”
12. “Beauty was not simply something to behold; it was something one could do.”
13. “A dream is a nightmare with lipstick.”
14. “What’s the world for you if you can’t make it up the way you want it?.”
15. “All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.”