1. “It is undoubtedly easier to believe in absolutes, follow blindly, mouth received wisdom. But that is self-betrayal.”
2. “Content is an obstacle to the exercise of power.”
3. “Democracy is the only system capable of reflecting the humanist premise of equilibrium or balance. The key to its secret is the involvement of the citizen.”
4. “People cannot do what they cannot think and they cannot think what they cannot say.”
5. “Love: A term which has no meaning if defined.”
6. “Everyone has an equal right to inequality.”
7. “Ten geographers who think the world is flat will tend to reinforce each other’s errors… Only a sailor can set them straight”
8. “In a society of ideological believers, nothing is more ridiculous than the individual who doubts and does not conform.”
9. “If economists were doctors, they would be mired in malpractice suits.”
10. “Nothing is absolute, with debatable exceptions of this statement and death.”
11. “Management cannot solve problems. Nor can it stir creativity of any sort. It can only manage what it is given. if asked to do more, it will deform whatever is put into its hands.”
12. “Like all religions, Reason presents itself as the solution to the problems it has created.”
13. “We must discover hw to ask simple questions of ourselves.”
14. “As an inclusive quality, imagination is thus our primary force for progress, whatever progress is.”
15. “Whenever governments adopt a moral tone – as opposed to an ethical one – you know something is wrong.”