1. “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.”
2. “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
benjamin franklin
3. “Justice is what love sounds like when it speaks in public.”
michael eric dyson
4. “Sometimes justice is at its most merciful when it’s blind.”
nancy gibbs
5. “If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us.”
francis bacon
6. “Justice delayed is justice denied.”
william gladstone
7. “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”
abraham lincoln
8. “Never pray for justice, because you might get some.”
amargaret atwood
9. “Knowledge which is divorced from justice may be called cunning rather than wisdom.”
marcus tullius cicero
10. “Law is not not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.”
lydia maria child
11. “True peace is not merely the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.”
jane addams
12. “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.”
martin luther king jr
13. “You can’t have justice unless you have truth.”
hill harper
14. “Always seek justice, but love only mercy To love justice and hate mercy is but a doorway to more injustice.”
criss jami
15. “Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.”
reinhold niebuhr
16. “Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.”
thomas aquinas
17. “A soul that is kind and intends justice discovers more than any sophist.”
18. “Unfortunately in life, justice is not always achieved.”
maura tierney
19. “Sometimes, the only way to get justice is to take it for yourself.”
leigh bardugo
20. “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.”
dwight d. eisenhower
21. “Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey.”
denis diderot
22. “Justice is like a train that is nearly late.”
yevgeny yevtushenko
23. “It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.”
earl warren
24. “Charity begins at home and justice begins next door.”
charles dickens
25. “Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.”
henry louis gates
26. “Law and Justice are not always the same.”
gloria steinem
27. “Absolute justice is achieved by the suppression of all contradictions; therefore it destroys freedom.”
albert camus
28. “Law without justice is a wound without a cure.”
william scott downey
29. “The principles of justice are chosen behind the veil of ignorance.”
john rawls
30. “Justice is lame as well as blind, amongst us.”
thomas otway
31. “The history of the world is the world’s court of justice.”
friedrich schiller
32. “Justice must not only be seen to be done but has to be seen to be believed.”
j. b. morton
33. “The essence of justice is mercy.”
edwin hubbel chapin
34. “Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes.”
daniel defoe
35. “Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom.”
Clarence darrow
36. “It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world.”
mary wollstonecraft
37. “Delay in justice is injustice.”
Walter savage landor
38. “Justice is truth in action.”
joseph joubert
39. “Free trade is not based on utility but on justice.”
edmund burke
40. “Man has innate capacity for violence, but can only justify it in the name of justice.”
ralph steadman
41. “Justice is to be found only in imagination.”
alfred nobel
42. “Justice is sweet and musical; but injustice is harsh and discordant.”
henry david thoreau
43. “Fidelity is the sister of justice.”
44. “Justice while she winks at crimes, Stumbles on innocence sometimes.”
Samuel butler
45. “Think carefully before asking for justice. Might might be safer.”
Mason Cooley
46. “Justice is better than chivalry if we cannot have both.”
alice stone backwell
47. “The first requisite of civilization is that of justice.”
sigmund freud
48. “The big tyrants never face justice.”
George galloway
49. “Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.”
saint augustine
50. “Justice and judgement lie often a world apart.”
emmeline pankhurst