1. “The duty of a lyrical poet is not to express or explain, it is to intensify life.”
2. “Curiosity will conquer fear more than bravery will.”
3. “Let the past be content with itself, for man needs forgetfulness as well as memory.”
4. “Women and birds are able to see without turning their heads, and that is necessary provision for they are both surrounded by enemies.”
5. “What the heart knows today the head will understand tomorrow.”
6. “Women are stronger than men – they do not die of wisdom.”
7. “We get wise by asking questions, and even if these are not answered, we get wise, for a well-packed question carries its answer on its back as a snail carries its shell.”
8. “Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself.”
9. “A sword, a spade, and a thought should never be allowed to rust.”
10. “Sleep is the excellent way of listening to an opera.”
11. “You must be fit to give before you can be fit to receive.”
12. “Finality is death. perfection is finality. nothing is perfect. there are lumps in it.”
13. “The toxin generates the anti-toxin. The end lies concealed in the beginning. All bodies grow around the skeleton. Life is a petticoat about death.”
14. “It is by love alone we understand anything.”
15. “Chaos is the first condition. Order is the first law. continuity is the first reflection. Quietude is the first happiness.”