1. “The curse of modern times is, that almost everything does create controversy.”
2. “Nine-tenths of the people were created so you would want to be with the other tenth.”
3. “In all science, error precedes the truth and it s better it should go first than last.”
4. “Foolish writers and readers are created for each other.”
5. “This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.”
6. “Imagination was gives to man to compensate him for what he isn’t. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.”
7. “Men are often capable of greater things they perform. They are sent into the world with bills of credit and seldom draw to their full extent.”
8. “The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.”
9. “History is a romance that is believed; romance, a history that is not believed.”
10. “Justice is rather the activity of truth, than a virtue in itself. Truth tells us what is due to others and justice renders that due. Injustice is acting a lie.”
11. “A bystander often sees more of the game than those that play.”
12. “To act with common sense according to the moment, is the best wisdom I know.”
13. “It is sinful to cherish those whose heaven has doomed to destruction.”
14. “Posterity always degenerates till it becomes our ancestors.”
15. “We often repent of our first thoughts, and scarce ever of our second.”