1. “The love of books is among the choicest gifts of the gods.”
2. “What one man can invent, another can discover.”
3. “No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason for doing so.”
4. “Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.”
5. “What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is what can you make people believe you have done.”
6. “Once you eliminate impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
7. “Our ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature.”
8. “Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of a man could invent.”
9. “The most difficult crime to track is the one which is purposeless.”
10. “Crime is common. Logic is rare. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell.”
11. “Nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person.”
12. “We can’t command our love, but we can our actions.”
13. “There is nothing more deceptive than obvious fact.”
14. “Where there is no imagination there is no horror.”
15. “Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.”
16. “I have seen too much not to now that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner.”
17. “Of all ghosts the ghosts of our old loves are the worst.”
18. “The most difficult crime to track is the one which is purposeless.”
19. “A client to me a mere unit, a factor in a problem.”
20. “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth.“